Paradise Has Been Poisoned By Deadly Chemicals
on December 9, 2012 at 7:18 pmNew Video Series Exposing the Poisoning of Los Angeles By Leaking Oil and Gas Fields.
A new video series is exposing the poisoning of the people of Los Angeles by leaking oil and gas fields. The Los Angeles basin is covered with oil fields. Most of these fields date back to the early part of the 20th century when Los Angeles had the richest oil fields on earth. Many of these oil fields are still being pumped to this day, and some are now being “fracked”. For over a hundred years dangerous, life-threatening chemicals have been leaking out. There is no count to the number of people who have died horrible deaths from cancer due to these leaking fields. And then there is the explosion factor, with parts of the City literally exploding without notice, killing people instantly, including in recent times a brave fireman. This series is premiering on www.SouthlandNewsBureau. Click below to see Part 1.