So you thought Bush and Chaney were sharing the 666 crown for taking away our freedoms, eh? Well how do you like the new king, Barry Sotero? Expanded wars, world-wide assassinations without trial, building concentration camps in the US, the National Defense Authorization Act, the renewal of the Patriot Act, the continued shame of Guantanamo, the militarization of the local police, the saber rattling in the far east (hey, why not get a war going with China to balance out the one coming up with Iran. A double-header as they say in baseball). This guy Obama is the worst enemy of Freedom who has walked the earth since Joe Stalin. Actually worse. Stalin had “show trials”. This guy doesn’t even do that, his trials are secret, the evidence is secret, the defendants have been tortured for years, the public only gets government propaganda about them after they end. If he stays in office another four years this website will be coming to you from Iceland, along with any others who value Liberty and Freedom of Speech.
Right on, paulie. The only hope and change I’m seeing so far is that I hope something can manage to change this fascist nightmare. Hitler never had it this good: surveillance on almost every corner, all phone calls and emails recorded, peaceful protestors arrested (or tazered or pepper sprayed), the NDAA, all your non-cash purchases tracked, and cops completely out of control. So much for the so-called American Dream. But if enough people visualize a better world, it can happen. We actually have the power to do this, and that’s why the elites are scared shitless and trying to spread more chaos in the world to distract us. Don’t fall for their lies and propaganda. Think for yourself and create a better world.