Now You Know The Power of Corporations!
on November 8, 2012 at 3:59 am(This post is from
Now you know the power! The power of big corporations. Proposition 37 in California went down to defeat. The corporations spent somewhere around 45 million dollars to convince voters that they do not need to know what is in their food. It is unbelievable. We here at Yard Eats find it hard to fathom why people would not want to know that GMOs are in their food.
The defeat of Prop 37 makes it even more urgent that you should start your own backyard garden NOW! With no way to tell which products are genetically modified, consumers are now at the total mercy of corporate chemical warfare on their food. Be on the alert. Your life and health may be at stake!
P.S. A list of the corporations who financed the “No” on 37 is on the site WWW.You-Rant. Keep this in mind when you shop.